For class this week, I read the book George by Alex Gino. In response to this book, I have created a blog, please check it out below.
Here is a link to a resource about Identity Based Bullying that teaches you about what it is and how to talk about it in your classroom.
This is a link to Alex Gino's blog where they also talk about very important topics that as a teacher are interesting to read about so that I can gain a greater understanding about people who identify differently than myself. They also include information about themselves as an author and give insights into their writing style. They have a blog about "30 Deaf Artists" and "Pronouns Mean Never Having To Say You're Sorry." Check it out here.
Here are somethings that Dana Stachowiak wrote to keep in mind as a teacher in her article "The Power to Include." I think that as a teacher it is important to keep these things in mind when teaching and going about your daily life. These are vital elements to be mindful of when teaching in general and not specifically related to gender identity, but are especially important when talking about gender identity with students.
Evans, S., Gilbert, S., & Doyle, T. (2017). Discovering Their Identity: Using gender conforming picture books in early education classrooms. Literacy Today, 20–21.
Gino, A. (2015) George. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.
Stachowiak, D. (2018). The Power to Include: A starting place for creating gender-inclusive literacy classrooms. Literacy Today, 28–30.